Dec 22, 2012

[Behind The Scene] A Short Video with Lisa Surihani Review

 hey uols,

since past few days I couldn't get straight up on updating my new entry, kinda celebrating for the Fear Factor moment for a while. Wah gituuuu~
ok lah I bajet nak buat entry sekali with the video when its done, perhaps the team editing still working on it, so apa kata kita lihat disebalik tabir pembikinan short Video Clip with Lisa Surihani untuk Digi Buddyz

Video ni adalah untuk iklan Digi Buddyz di Youtube, so lepas ni kalau dah siap i will directly make an entry :)
I promised okay haha jadi sekarang ni jom tengok apa yang terjadi pada hari kejadian hari itu.
Shooting Short Video Clip ni bertempat di HQ Digi sendiri
  Lot 10, Jalan Delima 1/1 (Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park), Shah Alam, Selangor 40000, Malaysia
sampai jer weols register dan dapat KeyChain yang ada gambar Lisa ni, ouh sweet je dia berbaju kurung :) terasa panjang plak badan dia dalam gambar keychain ni ahaks~
 Semasa menunggu Lisa Surihani datang untuk membuat shooting tu, kita adakan ice breaking kejap :)
ouh from the awkward moment become fun when masing-masing dah pecahkan lobang sendiri haha. The team crew pun not bad juga hebatnya, mereka sporting dan fun giler dalam ramai-ramai i kenal sorang je iaitu @andyhowtt hot ker? Hot lerrrrr~ kalau tak hot dia tak berani lah nak guna nama tu ahaks~
and yes he is a Borneo Blogger same goes as me ^_^
me and Fad, what like seriously Fad again? yeah this boy kinda thirst of event, he will attend all the event in term of everything, that the most i like bout him :) Most of the weekend he will kinda find at least 1 activities/event to fill in ahaks~ yeah that's @Fad follow him on twitter

They got two session during the short video clip which is Twitter session and Blogger session, We can see the differences between these two group.
 hah tu dia~ as u guys can see, 1st session ni yang majoriti memakai shirt warna kuning. Well we represent Digi so kuning is their corporate color "Bersamamu" ahaks
Mereka kena nyanyi lagu "Malaysia Bersama Selamanya" correct me if i'm wrong :)
 ahaks its time for team blogger pula yang buat sesi video clip tu. So far as i remember "Kami Buddyz tak akan terpisah" lepas tu pose gedik-gedik bersama lisa ahah.
 and then Lisa Surihani nak take part dalam snap pic kami semua. Ala-ala she the one who incharged for the video. Lisa suruh kami semua pose 1,2,3 candid yeah more and more poses ^____^ 
what a fun moment dengan Lisa ni.
She do cute things and then we the blogger get the hits. hahaha Makin cute Lisa buat aksi makin gila-gila kami dibuatnya.
Before the shoot is on, i sempat snap picture bersama Lisa, it's not just about the image it's all about the face. Grrrr~ nyesal sangat sebab on that day terlupa untuk memakai compact powder. Result dia jadi macam ni kulit muka berminyak. Unless kalau uols putih so wajah berminyak tu takde lah kelihatan sangat T_T nanges kejap.

ok once we all done with the shoot with Lisa, kita orang semua having a lunch and Lisa also have the same meal as us. Adore her so much. Respect. ahaks~ 
Lepas lunch the exciting part when our turn to shoot a video clip. In a group of  3 or 4 we need to act the the scene according to the given script.
Hah ni lah dia script yang half official tu. Mereka terlalu gigih untuk menyiapkan all the script. 
so me collaborate with these two awesome people @MahaMahu n @Fad
so our part is 
"Takkan Hilang, Takkan Goyah dan Takkan Terpisah~"
"Walaupun dirotan Cikgu, Didenda berdiri atas kerusi, kami bersama selamanya"
haha ada macam Buddyz tak? cool :)

Tapi yang tak tahan tu ada 10 group kesemuanya dan kami adalah group yang ke-9, dalam masa nak tunggu part kami bertiga untuk dishoot kami buat benda seperti di bawah:
 penuhkan memory camera
dan tinggalkan jejak pada white board. haha it's actually forbidden for us to leave the track behind. But what to do. We're like boring to death. Sorry Digi ahaks~

 sneak a peek what happen on behind the scene :)
oh yeah! forgot to mention who is the responsible guy that manage to guide us to act and giving direction on how to do with the scene. Melaka Boy :) yeah he is so awesome.
so when ever the Short Video is released i'll be updating quickly haha 
 Korang dah usha Page Digi? kalau belum sila [klik disini]
so stay tuned people~

#LotsOfLove muah~


  1. Tu pasal, tak sabor nak tengok video nanti

  2. woaaa :O

    rajin benar meh join event2 cenni -..-

    btw, tuh kak hani and kak jueee . hahahahahaha.

    and hell yeah, nampak benar kesengalan para blogger dan ketertiban para twitter kuning digi.


  3. @amirnawawi hah kalau nak jumpa dia, kena duduk KL haha senang skit nak jmpa :)

  4. @akuzle ayu lmbt lagi lah nak released akak. Katanya 4 hari.


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