Jun 19, 2010

Maher Zain - Awaken

Selamat pagi uolsss.....kepada masih yang tidur tu bangunnnn....hari ni hari sabtu begitu nyaman udaranya begitu cerah harinya....so marilah kita bersama-sama menghayati lagi AWAKEN dari Maher ZAIN......Masya Allah aku begitu teruja n suka bangat kat lagu beliau....ni lagu kedua beliau dimana menjadi simpanan peribadi ku hahahah...ayat memang gampang....ader aku kisah kerana aku menceritakan apa saja....sila la layan yer....amik dari YOUTUBE jer....korang kena baca lyric tu baru korang nyanyi and hayati....aku tak bosan nyanyi lagu nie.....


We were given so many prizes
We changed the desert into oasis
We built buildings in different lenght and sizes
And we felt so very statiesfied

We bought and bought
we couldn't stop buying
We gave charity to the poor cause we couldn't stand their crying
We thaught we paid our dues but in fact
To ourselves we're just lying

Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We were told what to buy and we'd bought
We went to London, Paris and Costa del Sol
We made show we were seen in the most exclusive shops
Yes we felt so very statisfied

We felt our money gave us infinit power
We forgot to teach our children about history and honor
We didn't have anytime to lose...when we were(were)
So busy feeling so statisfied

I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves (2x)

We became the visuals without a soul
despite the heat
Our homes felt so empty and cold

To fill the emptiness we bought and bought
Maybe all the fancy cars and bling will make us statisfied

My dear brother and sister it's time to change inside
Open your eyes...Don't throw away what's right aside
Before the day comes when there's nowhere to run and hide
Now ask yourself...cause Allah's watching you

Is he statisfied?...Is Allah satisfied?(3x)

Oh...I'm walking with my head lowered in shame from my place
I'm walking with my head lowered from my race
Yes it's easy to blame everything on the west
When in fact all focus should be on ourselves(2x)

THE END.....

Photobucketp/s : kamu kenal siapa Maher Zain bukan....????MyEm0.Com


Anonymous kindly be nice to me!
Paling tak suka SPAM yang datang dari negara omputih, tak yah nak comment speaking sangat lah kat Blog aku ni